A controversial movie, The Principle, is now available on iTunes and Amazon. The movie—written and produced by Rick DeLano—is a polished pseudo-science attack on the generally accepted model of cosmology. I disagree completely with the premise and “conclusions” of the movie, and yet I would still recommend watching it.
Let me explain.
Man assumed that Earth must be the center of the universe for centuries. Then, Nicolaus Copernicus came along and proved that the Earth orbits the Sun, not the other way around. This model is referred to as the Copernican Principle, or sometimes the Mediocrity Principle—alluding to the fact that the Earth is not a “special snowflake” and it is not the center of the universe.
The Principle would like to suggest otherwise. A tagline for the movie declared: “We inhabit, in Carl Sagan’s words, ‘…an insignificant planet of a humdrum star lost in a galaxy tucked away in some forgotten corner of a universe in which there are far more galaxies than people.’ Proven. Indisputable. Truth. Or is it?”
So, let’s start there. The answer is “No.” There is nothing in science that is indisputable. Declaring something as a fact incapable of being challenged is the antithesis of science and scientific exploration. Science is merely a collection of prevailing theories that are backed by the evidence we have available. If new evidence is discovered that alters—or even contradicts—commonly held beliefs, then it will be established as the new prevailing theory and accepted as scientific “fact”, at least for the time being.
I spoke with DeLano. He told me that he is just trying to say “Hey guys. Look at this. This is interesting.” He claims that recent studies of galaxies and cosmological surveys profoundly contradict the traditional cosmology model we’ve all been taught, but laments that the implications of these recent observations have not been presented to intelligent layman. Effectively, he is suggesting there is a massive cover up by the scientific community—an effort to hide scientific evidence from the public in order to preserve the status quo.
You can read the full story on Forbes: ‘The Principle’ Is What Happens When Good Science Gets Twisted.
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