We’re all familiar with iconic physicist Albert Einstein. Most people know of the Theory of Relativity and the famous equation E=MC2—even if they have no clue what they mean. Many people are also familiar with images of Albert Einstein and his crazy hair. He is widely accepted as the face of modern physics, yet few know anything about the actual man. Genius, a new Nat Geo series, can change that and perhaps inspire a new generation of thinkers and dreamers to expand our knowledge of the world.
Genius is a 10-part series about Albert Einstein based on the Walter Isaacson biography “Einstein: His Life and Universe”. Genius is the first fully scripted series from Nat Geo. It chronicles the life of Einstein and explores some of the pivotal moments that helped mold and define the man who became one of the most recognized scientific figures in history.
I had an opportunity to screen the first episode of Genius and I was impressed. I don’t want to spoil anything for you, but the first few minutes definitely grab your attention. Beyond the initial scene, though, Genius continued to grab and keep my attention. I learned a lot of things I didn’t know about the life and education of young Albert Einstein, and the formative years and events that shaped the iconic physicist I’m familiar with.
This may be Nat Geo’s first fully-scripted series, but it follows on the heels of Mars, which was a combination of real-world and documentary footage combined with a scripted series. Aside from Nat Geo, the other thing that both Genius and Mars have in common is that they’re both produced by Ron Howard and Brian Grazer.
I spoke with Brian Grazer about the series and their work with Nat Geo. One of the things that Grazer and I talked about is the impressive pivot Nat Geo has done, adapting to a digital age and emerging as a solid, premium channel.
Grazer told me, “We all grew up with Nat Geo. Now they’re modernizing it.”
I couldn’t agree more. Nat Geo has been a respected brand for years. I grew up reading National Geographic magazine. When my grandfather died, one of the things that was passed down to me was his collection of years and years of National Geographic magazine.
See the full post at Forbes: Nat Geo ‘Genius’ Inspires New Generation To Pursue Science.
My comment is this, black holes in space are formed when someone travels through time creating a vortex in space, similar to when you throw a large object into water, the problem that we have in observing this, is our perception of time, our perception of time may not apply to the universe, and is more than likely prejudiced from the world that we live in.
And these black holes are closing up at a slower rate than we are accustomed to living in the gravity that we live in.