It seemed like a foregone conclusion really. All of the Marvel series on Netflix so far–Daredevil, Jessica Jones, and Luke Cage–have been praised by both critics and viewers. By some measures, Luke Cage was actually the most successful so far.
We will probably see Luke again before Season Two, though. He is one of the core heroes in The Defenders–along with Daredevil, Jessica Jones, and Iron First–which was already announced as an upcoming Netflix series. There is no specific date for either The Defenders or Season Two of Luke Cage, but The Defenders was already in the pipeline and expected in early 2017, so I feel like we will see Luke there first.
If you haven’t watched Luke Cage Season One, you should definitely do that. It took my son and I a while because our version of “binge” watching was to just squeeze in an hour–or even half an hour–whenever we could until we got through it.
Netflix is doing an awesome job with the Marvel universe. You should also watch Daredevil Seasons One and Two, and Jessica Jones if you haven’t watched those yet. What are you waiting for? Start binging!
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