The Angry Birds hatchlings are back! A few months ago the adorable hatchlings wished everyone “Happy Holidays!” Now, they’re back to share some Easter greetings.
According to a post from People.com, the Angry Birds producers asked the young children doing the voices of the hatchlings to sing an Easter song, but none of them knew any “Easter carols” offhand. To be fair–are there any Easter songs?
The cuteness doesn’t end there, though. The children recall Easter memories–like getting lice on the holiday–and one of them tries to just make up an Easter song on the spot. The impromptu song suggests that the Easter Bunny is a girl, however, which results in a debate between the children about whether the Easter Bunny is male or female.
See for yourself. Check out the adorably cute Angry Birds hatchlings Easter greetings video:
The Angry Birds movie–featuring the voices of Jason Sudeikis, Josh Gad, Bill Hader, and Maya Rudolph–will be out in theaters May 20.
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